single celled organism that learned to
oil paint. isn't that something? in the garden of eden when
eve first took the bite of the forbidden fruit it is often
ignored that it was one of knowledge, of light, the cast of
ignorance under a perhaps-misguided force, and when that
fruit fell to the tarnished ground as mankind was cast down
from their curiosity and vision it decayed, and as it
decayed its seeds met the fertile soil and like a chick
hatching from an egg, sprawled out countless, and i mean
ineffably countless angels we now call microbes and give
silly names like anabaena & rotifera. maybe that
was always meant to happen. maybe it was a trick, it was
planned out, it was completely intentional, that fruit was
present to be eaten, and to have invisible forces released
far beyond what we know, that we hate, love, domesticate
& study & understand & don't. for if not for
knowledge what would we have? not in the sticky academic
sense, but what else is there? all culture & art &
living requires to know, to feel, to either understand or
desire to, to know something, or know to not know. but
that's not what you're here for.
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always updating, hoping to eventually process my 15 million paintings that either aren't done or dried or scanned yet